Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Featured Artist on Santa Fe Art World

I am honored to have been named Featured Artist on Santa Fe Art World for the month of May. This distinction relates to the showing of my outdoor sculptures from June to Labor Day in the Stamford, Connecticut Downtown Outdoor Sculpture Exhibit, for which seven (7) large sculptures have now been selected. Here is the link: http://santafeartworld.com/. Then click on “View the Featured Artist” for information, pictures and lots of computerized spelling glitches.

Appalachia Mixed media Life size

Pictured are the sculptures going on display. The exhibit is titled “Wit and Whimsy.” The sculptures will be placed along with others in various locations around the City. Previous reviews of this annual exhibition have had superb reviews in the New York Times and elsewhere with notable sculptors represented, so I’m glad to be represented “Out of the Museum and onto the Streets,” as a Times caption read.

Young Marrieds Mixed media Life size

Reclining Woman, Black, Red and Yellow
Welded steel and acrylic paint, 48" x 96" x 12"

Seated Woman Red Welded steel, 60" x 48" x 96"

The Tennis Player
Fiberglass, resin, imbedded bronze and found objects 62" x 28" x 15"